
portfolio + skills

Four-part Audio Documentary Series

Violence Week

In East Lansing, Michigan, an outburst of violence at the local high school, and the discovery of a gun, leads to a community reckoning over school safety, racial equity, and the role of police in schools.

This four-part documentary series asks big questions about school safety, policing, racial equity, and what it’s like to be a teenager in an era of school shootings.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify


Reimagining Love with Dr. Alexandra Solomon

Reimagining Love is a popular love and relationships podcast hosted by the renowned clinical psychologist and award-winning author Dr. Alexandra Solomon.

As the lead Producer of Reimagining Love, I produce every aspect of the weekly show, from booking guests and interview prep to editing and publishing episodes. For Dr. Solomon’s solo episodes, I adapt and translate clinical concepts into scripts written for the ear.

Past guests include Esther Perel, Dr. Emily Nagoski, Drs. John and Julie Gottman, and Bachelor Nick Viall.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify

Audio Drama


Tribeca Festival’s Independent Audio Fiction Award, 2023

Aisha is running from The Woman In The Blue Hijab. What will happen if they reach the water's edge?

I was an Associate Producer on this piece and provided writing and editorial support.
Credits: Creator/Director: Cory Choy; Sound Design: Feyisayo Aluko, Cory Choy; Host: Feyisayo Aluko; Associate Producers: Mark Blumberg, Emily Reeves, Harry Bainbridge.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify

Podcast Series

Vital Voices

I produced and edited a special 12-part podcast series for Vital Voices, the non-profit organization co-founded by Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and Melanne Verveer. They work with women leaders in areas of economic empowerment, women's political participation, and human rights.

For this twelve-part series, I adapted audio recordings from their Global Voices Festival into a podcast format.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify

Podcast Episode

Queens Memory: Our Major Minor Voices

I produced and hosted this episode for the Queens Memory Podcast: Our Major Minor Voices, The Queens Museum's award-winning oral history podcast.

This ten-episode season, "Our Major Minor Voices," shares stories from Queens' diverse Asian American communities. Each episode of this season featured a different community of Asian descent and was produced in both English and the native language of that community.

In this bonus episode, I interviewed Elias Ravin, the podcast's composer. We discussed the unique challenges of composing for podcasts, learned about his process as he respectfully incorporated elements of each culture’s music into the score, and asked the most important question of all: why are podcasts so obsessed with marimbas?

Our conversation is interwoven with Elias’s compositions so we can hear what he’s describing moment-to-moment. I assembled and edited the episode specifically so both people with music theory knowledge and those without could enjoy it.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify

Audio Story

“The Woodsmen”

The Colby College Woodsmen keep the skills and traditions of lumberjacking alive.

I reported, produced, hosted, edited, and mixed/mastered this piece.

🔗 SoundCloud

Audio Story

“Does Anybody Like Their Job?

In this two-minute Vox Pop, producer Emily Reeves takes to the streets of Portland, Maine to explore our relationship with work.

I reported, produced, hosted, edited, and mixed/mastered this piece.

Music: Our Only Lark by Blue Dot Sessions and "Overworked, Underpaid" by Zap Pow

🔗 SoundCloud

Audio Story


In "Footprints," join Tour Guide Dugan on a walk through history and his mind.

I reported, produced, edited, and mixed/mastered this piece.

Music: “In Paler Skies" by Blue Dot Sessions

🔗 SoundCloud


Across the Pod

I produced, cohosted, and edited Across the Pod, a transatlantic pop culture podcast that ran twice a week during seasons.

I managed all pre- and post-production for the podcast, including creating the show art, theme song (featured on the left), segment stings, and promotional materials. I managed the show’s production schedule, engineered remote recording sessions, edited the episodes, and maintained the show’s RSS and social media.

In two seasons, we organically grew the audience to ~1k listens per episode and created connections with so many amazing listeners!

We ended the podcast in 2023 in order to make room for our other professional goals.

︎ Apple Podcasts
︎ Spotify
︎ Instagram
︎ Website

︎ The Ringer Article that features the podcast

I love sound-rich, expressive stories—ones that challenge our assumptions and explore the complexities of being alive.


DAWs: Pro Tools, Adobe Audition,
Reaper, GarageBand, Logic Pro

Audio Restoration: iZotope RX 10

• Pre-production, field reporting,
remote interviews, and
post-production for audio storytelling and podcasts

• Music theory, sound design,
and audio production knowledge

• Voiceover, singing, directing, and script analysis enhanced by a background in professional theater

Graphic Design, Content Creation, and Website Building: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop (Beginner), Canva, Squarespace, Carrd,
and Cargo

Transcription: Descript, Otter, Adobe Premiere

• Audiograms: Headliner

Video Editing: iMovie,
Adobe Premiere (Beginner)

Project Management:
Google Tables, Notion

• Excel (like, I can actually do formulas, not just type in the boxes)

RSS Feed Management:
Megaphone, RedCircle, Spreaker

• Can start and finish projects

Emily Reeves

audio producer + storyteller

Hi, I'm Emily Reeves. I'm an award-winning audio producer, podcaster, and storyteller based in Brooklyn, NY.

I’m drawn to stories that explore big ideas with nuance and humor—ones that give us a window into something universal through a unique, personal narrative. Above all, I’m passionate about impact-driven audio; I love how the medium can humanize the news and connect big cultural conversations to intimate stories.

As a former professional performer and theatre artist, I spent years studying the art of captivating an audience’s attention and now use this experience to create sound-rich and energetic audio pieces.

I'm a graduate of the Salt Institute for Documentary Stories, where I created a documentary about a Moby-Dick-inspired blues opera about heroin addiction. The piece won a Silver Award, the highest for the category, for Best Student Documentary at the 2023 New York Festivals Radio Awards.

Portfolio + Skills ︎︎︎
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